Imbolc is the cross-quarter day between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
Many pieces of lore surround this sacred moment on or around February 1st. Some associate it with the Irish Goddess turned Patron Saint Brigid. Others say it happens when the wolves mate or the sheep must be tended. Imbolc is associated with modern-day Groundhog’s Day when you can look to spring and say “maybe soon” or “not yet.”
Brigid is the Goddess of blacksmithing, poetry, healing waters, and divine fire. She protects the young and the more-than-human world.
It is the crossroads of winter. This is the time of the sleeping soil. Under the ground, dreams begin to stir. During this time, you may hear the first call of spring or see signs everywhere that the Earth is reawakening, and we are, too. And though spring is not yet here, the horizon of spring beckons, glimmering in the shadows and snow. Now is a potent time to craft an intention. This intention can be held with you in these final days of winter, to rest with this intention as if it is a seed in your pocket before planting it at the Spring Equinox, as a dream to be cultivated, moving toward the astrological new year. Imbolc is the dream of the seed before the seed exists.
So dream with our Word Witch wands (pens and pencils), we will!
Paid subscribers are invited to join me and fellow Word Witches on Tuesday, January 28th at noon EST for an hour-long writing circle on Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link on Substack on the morning of the circle, and the recording will be posted for subscribers only after the gathering. I can’t wait to honor the season of Imbolc together.