Cancer Full Moon blessings, Word Witches. Today is a full moon in the watery sign of Cancer, where the moon feels most at home. However, it's meeting with Mars in Cancer today, the place of fall for the fiery planet, complicating today's astrology, especially with Mars in retrograde.
Complexities are nothing to fear! Instead, where the tension lives may illuminate something previously unseen, shedding candlelight on where grief is being held, where feelings long to be released, or where it is tender, needing extra attention or love.
(Artist Unknown)
One of Cancer's superpowers is its intuitive knowledge of cycles. This is symbolized by the archetypal crab, who knows the tides and when to duck into a safe harbor of rocks or find shelter in the sand. The crab moves sideways, finding a new way to approach the matter at hand.
Today, learn from the sacred crab. If something in your life longs for a different perspective, approach it differently. If you need to give your sadness to the ocean or cry tears, know that your tears are saltwater kin to the Goddess.
If you yearn to connect to your inner cycles, it might be time to put pen to paper and see what surfaces from the ink's depths.
Writing Prompts for the Full Moon in Cancer
If your creativity is an ocean, what do the waters look like today? What color are the waves, what lives or lurks in the depths, and what can the tides teach you about your writing?
Imagine that the page is the earth. Offer your feelings at the altar of the page, allowing your tears to flow if it’s helpful. Your grief and celebrations are sacred. Make a list of both that you’d like to honor today.
Channel a message from the archetypal crab. What does this symbolic and archetypal being want to share with you under the full moon?
Write a letter to the full moon. Begin with “Dear Moon,” and let your words flow, sharing this moment with the celestial being. Place it on your altar for the next moon cycle, and reflect on your words at the next full moon.
May this full moon bring you magic and word witchery.
Good morning, everyone.
Here is my contribution.
Waves of Woe and Wonder
Full moon light pushes back the night.
There is mystery weaving, slipping, easing
into cyclical circles, rolling wheels of the years
Tears borne from memories drop
My own grief and glad tidings marry
in the center of my heart.
Tides of wisdom roll in.